A Popular Brewery is Bringing Its Chocolate Porter Back to Indiana and Kentucky
Beer and chocolate are two of my favorite food groups. And when it comes to the multitude of companies who make those products, two of my favorites are Yuengling and Hershey's. So to see these two join forces again to blend their delicious concoctions together makes my taste buds stand up and shout.
Earlier this week, Yuengling announced they have partnered with Hersey's once again to release a Chocolate Porter. The brew was well received in its debut last year, but was only available on draft which meant the only way you could get it was by visiting your local watering hole. Unless you have a keg-a-rator at home and bought yourself a whole keg. If that's the case, why haven't you invited me over yet? I'll wear a mask and stand in the corner socially distant from everyone else. You won't even know I'm there.
Anywho, the good news is you won't need to go to your favorite bar or restaurant, or buy a keg-a-rator to get your hands on the brew because Yuengling is bottling it and putting it on liquor and grocery store shelves in all 22 states where their other products are available, including Indiana and Kentucky.
With that in mind, it doesn't seem to be here just yet. The Yuengling website offers a "finder" feature on their website where you can select product your looking for and the state you live in, but when I search both Indiana and Kentucky, both results come up empty. According to Food & Wine Magazine, the porter is being shipped this month, so it should be at your favorite store soon. It's also possible it is already here, but the Yuengling website is a little behind. Long story short, if your excited about its return, look for it on your next beer run. If you see it, grab it, because like last year, it will only be available while supplies last.
Yuengling and Hersey's aren't the only game in town when it comes to mixing chocolate with alcohol. Samuel Smith Brewery in the U.K. has a chocolate stout, and Perennial Artisan Ales in St. Louis also makes a mint chocolate stout.
Local liquor store chain, Frontier Liquor, also has several chocolate-infused liqueurs and wines to choose from at their locations.
[Source: Yuengling / Food & Wine Magazine]

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