A few of my favorite Christmas movies! No tissues needed!
So Christmas is on it way! I'm probably one of the few people on earth that doesn't set and watch the Christmas movie channel. I know, what's wrong with me. I just don't like all fuzzy stuff, it feels like every movie is the same, and It doesn't happen in real life. Unless my ex husband was an elf and not a leprechaun, then I'm reaching on that. There are a few Christmas movies that I adore. Here they are in some kind of fashion.
A Muppet Family Christmas - In 1987 this thing came to life. It showed the Muppets meeting the characters of Sesame Street, then later in the movie you also see the ones in Fraggle Rock. As a 5 year old that was AMAZING!!! Though the whole movie had this gag that the door way was slippery, everyone slipped on it. Below is my favorite clip. Sweetish Chef sees the big "gobbly gobbly".
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Yes, I know its a Halloween Movie. It came out in October of 1993. But it's one of those movies that can go either way. I remember when it came out, one of the fast food chains had watches, I wanted one BADLY. Against my moms better judgement she got me the watch. Mom thought it was a spooky movie that my eyes weren't capable of seeing yet. To this day, I still have that watch. It's on my trinket shelf.
A Christmas Story
I can remember how long this movie is out because it's the same age as myself. I didn't become obsessed with this movie until 1997ish. My brother had recorded it for me cause I didn't remember the movie that much. My ex husband loved the movie as well, and we had a lot of movie merchandise. Im pretty sure I have the 25th and the 30th anniversary editions of the movie. Anything different, Nope but the covers were different. We had shirts, Christmas stockings with the scenes on it, a replica of the lamp, and Christmas village that is based off houses and characters in the movie. I have yet to find the Bumpus dogs figure, but maybe in time.
Though I have heard some aren't a fan of Will Ferrel, but I was an instant fan of this movie when it came out on DVD. Though that man had to wear gold leggings a lot, but its becoming a newer classic. Besides have a cute story line, its got plenty of known actors in the movie. I even like that that Peter Billingsley made an appearance in the movie as one of the head elves. Where do you know that name, He's Ralphie from A Christmas Story.
So whatever your holiday movie is, take some time to see it. It might help you be a little less grumpy this season.

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