Be Counted – A Reminder to Submit Your Completed 2020 Census Form
Lost in the shuffle of the coronavirus crisis has been the 2020 Census. The every 10 years count of the population is important for everyone because it helps determine how much money our communities receive for things like schools, highways and other infrastructure, as well as housing assistance for other adults, and more. You should have received at least one letter in the mail within the last month or two asking you to complete the form online, or by mail. If you ignored it for whatever reason, here's your reminder that you need to get it done.
I took care of mine online a week or so ago, and it was super easy. You just go to and enter the 12-digit code provided on the letter you received in the mail. From there you'll answer some very simple questions, and five to 10 minutes later, you're done. More importantly, you and everyone in your household are counted.
If you don't have access to a computer and internet, the form you received with your code has the questions you'll answer online. Simply fill it out with a pen (you know, the "old fashioned way") and drop it back in the mail. The postage is already taken care of on the envelope provided so you don't have to worry about getting a stamp. You can also call 844-330-2020 and complete the survey over the phone.
What happens if you don't take care of it in one of these three ways? The Census Bureau will send someone to your house to ask you the questions in person (some a safe distance of at least six feet, of course) and submit the survey for you. The original plan would have sent census takers out into the community soon, however to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, the Census Bureau has pushed the start date back two weeks to April 15th for the time being. Considering how the coronavirus continues to spread, that date could be changed.
Save them the trouble of sending someone to your house, and head over to now to take care of it.
[Source: U.S. Census Bureau]