2018 ShrinersFest Schedule Announced!
It'll be here before we know it! ShrinersFest is coming up, June 28-July 1st, 4 days of fun! Here's the schedule of events!
Now you don't have to miss anything, you can plan out your ShrinersFest visits so you can make sure you get to see all the fun events! My personal favorite is the air show, and there's going to be so many fun additions to the airshow this year, it's definitely not one to miss! Don't forget buttons are on sale now, here's where you can purchase those!
And from the ShrinersFest website, here's the current schedule of events (for locations of each event, check out the ShrinersFest website, here):
Thursday June 28th
- 9AM- Festival opens (food vendors/Kid zone)
- 12PM -Carnival rides open
- 3:30P- Veteran Stories (with Veteran of the Day at 5:30)
- 4:00P- Four Freedoms Beer Garden Presented by Coors Light
- 5:00P- Main Street Beer Garden
- 5:00p- ShrinersFest opening ceremonies with the U.S. Army Golden Knights
- 5:30P- Sarah Werner & Patriotic Soul
- 6:00P- Home Depot DIY Kids Workshop
- 6:00P- Miss ShrinersFest Interviews
- 6:00P-Hadi Bierstube
- 7:00P- ShrinersFest Talent Show Prelims
- 7P-Mid- Kari& Billy
Friday June 29th
- 9AM- Festival Opens (food vendors, Kids Zone, Special Ops Air Commando Experience)
- 11AM- Carnival Rides
- 12:00P- Four Freedoms Beer Garden Presented by Coors Light
- 1:00P- Airshow Rehearsal
- 3:30P- Veteran Stories (Veteran of the Day at 5:30)
- 4:00P-Main Street Beer Garden
- 5:00P & 7:00P- Ultimate Air Dogs Presented by Pet Food Center
- 6:00P- Hadi Bierstube
- 6:30P- Pilot's Reception/ Meet and Greet (tickets required)
- 7-Midnight- Mixtape- 80s Tribute Band
Saturday June 30th
- 7AM- Storybook 5K presented by the Public Education Foundation
- 9AM-Festival Opens (food vendors, Kids Zone, Special Ops Air Commando Experience
- 9AM- Rolling Thunder Exhibits
- 10AM- Miss ShrinersFest Pageant
- 11AM-Carnival Rides
- 11AM- Four Freedoms Beer Garden Presented by Coors Light
- 11:30AM- Veterans Stories (Veteran of the Day at 1:30)
- 11AM,1PM, 2:30, & 5P Ultimate Air Dogs Presented by Pet Food Center
- 1:30PM- USS LST 325 Invasion Reenactment
- 2PM- Hadi Bierstube
- 3PM- 2018 ShirinersFest Airshow! (full details here!)
- 6PM- ShrinersFest Talent Show finals
- 7PM-Mid- Freebird- Lynyrd Skynyrd Tribute Band
Sunday July 1st
- 9AM-Festival Opens (Food Vendors, Kids Zone, Special Ops Air Commando Experience)
- 9AM- Church Service
- 9AM- Rolling Thunder Exhbits
- 10AM,12P, & 1P- Ultimate Air Dogs Presented By Pet Food Center
- 11AM-Carnival rides
- 11AM- Veteran Stories(Veteran of the Day 1PM)
- 12PM- Four Freedoms Beer Garden Presented by Coors Light
- 12PM- Main Street Beer Garden
- 1PM-USS LST 325 Parade Pass
- 1:30PM- Veterans Thank you Banner Presentation
- 2PM- 2018 ShrinersFest Airshow! (Full details here!)
- 5PM Festival Closes