Ziemer Funeral Homes Present $10,000 to the Brand New Linda E. White Hospice House
If you haven't taken a walk around the Deaconess campus in Evansville lately, chances are you haven't seen the brand new Linda E. White Hospice House. This place is unlike any other hospice care place in the area, and we are proud to have it in Evansville!
In response to the growing need for end of life care in our area Deaconess built a state of the art hospice house. It is directly next to Deaconess hospital's main campus in Evansville. This place is unlike anything I've ever seen before. They have 14 patient rooms, that are state of the art. They are truly committed to making sure that patients have all the comforts and amenities from home that they could want.
They understand that hospice care isn't just about the patient, it's about the entire family, and that is why connected to every patient room is a family room. That family room has two beds, a TV, a work desk, internet hook ups and more so the family can be comfortable as well while spending as much time as possible with their loved ones. Each room has a covered patio that their bed can be wheeled out onto, and they can enjoy some sunshine, and a view of a labyrinth and water fall fountain. It truly is a one of a kind facility.
Daniel Ziemer, President of Ziemer Funeral Homes, had this to say about their donation "Ziemer Funeral Homes is proud to donate $10,000 to this most worth cause and community outreach. We recognize that the Linda E. White Hospice House will help improve the end of life care that many local individuals will receive. We are proud to be a part of this project.
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