Where Can Kids Get a Free Lunch in Warrick County in Summer 2019?
Summer should be a time for kids to relax and enjoy a break from school. But, for some children, it's stressful because their guaranteed breakfast and lunch at school are taken away and they don't have enough to eat. But, each summer in Warrick County, youths ages 18 and younger can enjoy a free breakfast and lunch each weekday. Adults are welcome too. Adult breakfasts are $2 and lunch is only $2.50.
Summer Feeding Program
Summer Feeding Program runs Monday-Friday except July 4th and only within the dates listed below.
Chandler Elementary
401 S. Jaycee St
Chandler, IN 47610
Breakfast served from 8-9A: June 3-28, 2019 and July 8-26, 2019
Lunch served from 11A- 12:30P: June 3-July 26, 2019
Tennyson Elementary School
323 N Main St
Tennyson, IN 47637
Lunch Served from 11A - 12P: July 15-26