Warrick County Schools Hiring Bus Drivers For 2021-2022 School Year
The Warrick County School Corporation is looking to hire bus drivers and they will let interested people come out and test drive school busses.
WCSC announced that at the end of the current school year, there will be a total of 16 open school bus routes for the 2021-2022 school year. That's a lot of open routes. Therefore, the school corporation needs to fill those positions relatively fast.
On Monday, May 17th at 3:30 p.m., they will be inviting anyone who is interested in these positions to come out to an "open facility" to test drive school busses. They will have a private course where you can test drive a school bus with bus driver trainers on site. Along with being able to test drive a school bus (which actually sounds pretty fun to do by the way), you will also be able to learn more about these positions and have any questions answered by the bus driver trainers.
The Warrick County School Corporation laid out some details about the open bus driver positions. The openings are morning, midday, and afternoon time frames and the current pay for bus drivers starts at $19.30/hour. They also mentioned that current WCSC employees can also come out to this event if they are open to a dual-role position with the school corporation. The dual-role positions are full time positions with benefits.

You can learn more about this event, the positions, and what you can do if you're interested but unable to attend on May 17th through the post below from the Warrick County School Corporation.
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