Warrick Animal Guardians Offering Half off Spay/Neuter With Free Vouchers
In the words of Bob Barker "help control the animal population, get your pets spayed and neutered!"
The pet population is out of control, and still some people don't get their pets spayed and neutered. There's many reasons you should get your pets fixed, not just to control the population, but it's also healthier for your pets! Females typically live longer when they're spayed, and in males it eliminates testicular cancer and helps prevent some prostate issues You can read more about that, and other benefits here!
The Warrick Animal Guardians understand that it isn't the cheapest procedure in the world to have done, so they want to help! They are offering half off spay/neuter vouchers for the VHS. You must be a resident of Warrick County and they ask for only one voucher per household. If you aren't a resident of Warrick county, don't forget to check out the VHS low cost spay/neuter clinic.
Please take advantage of this, if you're able to! Shelters all over the tri-state are bursting at the seams, and while puppies and kittens are so sweet, and we all love them, we really do not need anymore! And that's coming from someone who freaking loves puppies and kittens!
Here's all the details from the Warrick Animal guardians Facebook Page:
Warrick Animal Guardians is trying to help prevent the pet over population once again by offering HALF-OFF VOUCHER at VHS!!!!!!! STOP BY NOW at Warrick County Animal Control (655 Roth Rd. Boonville, IN 47601) to get your voucher for half off spay/neuter surgeries for your cat, dog or rabbit!!!!!! One per household please. If you have any questions please contact WCAC at (812) 897-6107.