Walmart Will Begin Limiting Customer Capacity
I've seen multiple images on social media--Facebook, in particular--of crowded parking lots at a variety of stores AND the concerned comments that accompany them.
Beginning this weekend, we will begin seeing fewer and fewer vehicles in Walmart parking lots around the country.
Saturday, April 4th, will mark the first day during this COVID-19 crisis that Walmart will begin limiting the number of customers it will have in its stores.
According to a press release from the company, on that day, the retail giant will start allowing only five patrons per 1,000 square feet of store space. That is equal to 20 percent of a Walmart location's typical capacity.
And once each store reaches that capacity--there's about 180,000 square feet in most Walmart stores--visitors will need to stand in line outside at the 6-feet-apart social distance. At that point, they will be allowed in on a "1-in-1-out" basis.
Sidewalks outside most stores are already marked with arrows, while inside the store, it's now one-way traffic only in each aisle.
Here are 50 of your favorite retail chains that no longer exist.
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