The U.S. May Be Facing A French Fry Shortage in 2020
Poor potato crop caused by cold and wet weather conditions this year may lead to a shortage in America's favorite side item.
According to ABC News, the potato crop supply in the U.S. is at the lowest since 2010. Of the nine states that grow potatoes, Idaho, Oregon, North Dakota, Colorado and Maine all saw a dramatic drop in crops.
On the other hand, "French fry demand has just been outstanding lately, and so supplies can't meet the demand," says industry-relations director with the Idaho Potato Commission, Travis Blacker, told Bloomberg.
Another problem is that the spuds that managed to make it through the harsh weather conditions grew in smaller. Restaurants and french fry makers usually favor longer potatoes to cut them into fries.
As you very well know, when supply doesn't meet demand, it causes a shortage. A shortage in french fries would be devastating. U.S. Producers are currently looking at foreign countries help to make up for the loss. A shortage like this would mean that french fry prices might skyrocket in 2020.
Who wants to settle for onion rings or a vegetable medley? Here's to hoping that we dodge a bullet on the french fry shortage!
(Source: ABC News)