The Return of Cicadas Could Mean Copperheads Invading Your Yard
Ready or not, cicadas will be making a comeback soon. That could also lead to the possibility for copperheads invading your yard.
The Brood X Cicadas will be returning to Indiana after 17 years in late April or early May. They spend 16 - 17 years underground, then emerge for four to six weeks, lay their eggs and then they are gone again not to reemerge for another seventeen years. You'll see them climbing trees, bushes, fence post, anything that they can latch their claws into, and you'll definitely be hearing them as the males make that loud, familiar noise to attract females to mate.
I can remember being a kid and going from tree to tree just to see how many cicada shells I could find. For those who don't know, these insects shed their outer shell. The shells typically stay latched onto whatever they were on (usually trees) or sometimes you'll find them on the ground near trees. However, one thing that you might not know about these insects is that they are a food source for copperheads.
Yes, I said copperheads! Snakes! Poisonous snakes. I'm not a fan either.
Anyone who knows me knows that my biggest fear is snakes. Especially big and poisonous ones. While the sound of these cicadas might be annoying, it's not the worst part of these Brood X Cicadas returning. The fact that copperheads could be roaming your yard to find cicadas is absolutely terrifying. The snakes normally come out at night and feast on them. There have been reports in the past of several snakes being seen in yards at one time seeking this food source for them, according to Back Roads Living.

The Northern Copperhead is Indiana's most common venomous snakes, and yes, it's found in Southern Indiana. Since these snakes typically come out at night, you should be extra vigilant when you're outside after the sun goes down. If you're out at night, you should wear sturdy shoes, carry a flashlight, and watch the ground for cicadas and copperheads. I honestly don't know what I would do if I spotted one in my yard!
(H/T- Back Roads Living)
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