The Addams Family Animated Movie, In Theaters This Friday
Halloween isn't Halloween without The Addams Family!
I can't believe the original Addams Family movie came out in November of 1991, I also can't believe that was the month and year I was born. I'm as old as the original (insert sarcasm). Since then, there have been spin off movies, sequels, etc. Fast forward to 2019, The Addams Family is not ANIMATED and it hits theaters FRIDAY! Personally, I would take my little's to see this on Fall Break but I don't have any kids. I guess I can borrow some nieces and nephews to go see it. From what I have seen in trailers, it's supposed to be good. Check it out for yourself!
If you want to pre-order tickets, you can do so here.
If you want to pre-order tickets, you can do so here.