The major difference for the victims is that in a real kidnapping someone is actually taken from someplace by force and held somewhere else until the ransom is paid. In a virtual kidnapping, loved ones of the victim are the ones who really suffer.
The only thing good that came out of the Ray Rice domestic violence elevator video was a much increased awareness about domestic violence and how serious the problem really is, even though most of us want to believe that it could never happen to us....WRONG!
LG has come up with many creative ads to show the superior quality of the picture on their HDTVs, but this one might be the best - fake or not. Long story short, they took their new 84-inch television and mounted it in what would be the window space of a fake office and put a very disturbing image on the screen.
Anyone who knows me is well aware of my undying love of pranks and this might be one of the best. This prank was pulled off in Japan and basically involves a prankster in a great, very realistic raptor costume that scares the pants off a man going to his office.
Colin Farrell's new movie "Dead Man Down" opens this Friday and the promoters did something very unusual to promote the film in the form of a prank. The prank involved real people getting onto an elevator in New York City and seeing what appeared to be a murder in progress.
It's Halloween night and it's usually about the treats more than anything else, but sometimes the 'trick' can be much more fun. As you are well aware, some people go all out decorating the exterior of their home to create a truly unique Halloween experience for the trick or treaters and maybe even give them a good fright!
You can make people believe just about anything in today's YouTube world. There are thousands if not millions of prank videos on YouTube alone, let alone the internet in general. Pranksters have proven time and time again how really gullible we can be sometimes. Jack Vale, for example, is a YouTube prankster who specializes in flatulence videos using a device called the Pooter that really upsets t
Jimmy Kimmel is a master at using kids for some of his best comedy. His videos about bad Christmas gifts and parents eating their kid's Halloween candy all went viral. Kimmel has done it again by attaching a fake lie detector to kids and asking some random questions the result of which is hysterical.