You Will Soon Be Able To Choose The Chips In Your Variety Pack
When it comes to snack bags of chips, my family is an expert. When my kids were little, they would try to sneak two or more bags into their lunch boxes. But, they didn't like all of the chips in the box of snack ships. So, the rationed out their favorite flavored chips. Now, Frito-Lay has answered our chip loving prayers by letting us choose what chips come in our box.
Just go to Snacks.com/VarietyPack, from Frito-Lay, and make your choices. You can choose 20 different snack bags to add to your box. You can choose from an incredible 40 different varieties including - Lay's, Cheetos Doritos, Sun Chips, Fritos, and many more. Yes, you can choose 20 different flavored bags. And, get this, it'll only cost you 10 bucks plus shipping.
I did have to create a free account, but was unable to order just yet. As soon as this special order pack becomes available, I'll let you know.
Thank you so much, Frito-Lay. Now, I'm not stuck with the chips nobody else in my family likes. Crazy, they usually left me the Fritos. This was surprising to me because I love Fritos. I just might order 20 bags of Fritos just to get back at them for never eating them. LOL In fact I'm going to get my own pack with all of MY favorite chips. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Frito-Lay!

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