SMILE on Down Syndrome in Search of a New Building in Evansville
Our friends at SMILE on Down Syndrome provide a network of support services to meet the physical, emotional, spiritual, social and educational needs of people of all ages with Down syndrome, their families and communities. Now, they are looking to the community for some assistance. The group is currently located in Downtown Evansville, but they will need to relocate soon.
Keep in mind they have a nonprofit budget, this is what the group is looking for:
A safe location East of downtown
Plenty of room for activities
Large kitchen area
Plenty of parking
SMILE on Down Syndrome is looking to lease or possibly purchase the property, depending on price.
If you know of a space that they could use, call (812) 449-4118.
Oh, and on a sidenote, the 2020 Stars & Style is coming up March 21st from 1:00 P.M-4:00 P.M at the Eastland Mall, in the Dillard's wing. I cannot wait to go shopping for my outfit and meet my Star!

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