Sledding Safety Tips
The Tristate is taking full advantage of all of the snow by going sledding. Since we don't usually get that much snow, for some kids, this snow fall marks the first time they have ever been sledding. Because we in the Tristate are not that sledding savvy, when you or your kids go out to play with your sled, please be careful and follow these simple safety tips.
According to Nationwidechildrens.org, here is what you need to know!
Sledding Injury Facts
Injuries often occur when the sled hits a stationary object or when the child falls off the sled.
Bruises, cuts and broken bones are the most common injuries.
Head and neck injuries are common among children 6 years old and younger.Getting Ready to Sled
Make sure children are dressed warmly and that they are wearing gloves and boots.
Always wear a helmet to prevent head injuries. Multi-sport and bicycle helmets are good options.
Sleds that can be steered are safer than flat sheets, snow discs and toboggans.Sledding Tips
Teach children to have an adult with them when they go sledding.
Avoid sledding in areas with trees, fences and light poles or on rocky hills.
Always go down the hill feet first.
Learn how to stop and turn the sled by using your feet.
Have only the recommended number of passengers on a sled at one time.
Do not sled in the street or on a highway.
Never ride a sled being pulled by a car, ATV, snowmobile or other motorized vehicle.
Avoid sledding on driveways, hills, or slopes that end in a street, drop off, parking lot, river or pond.
Because they are hard to steer, the best place to use a tube is in a tubing park – often found at ski resorts.
More tips!
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