Scorned Wife Holds X-Husband Sale [HILARIOUS PHOTOS]
Today is my fourth... maybe fifth wedding anniversary and like any married woman I know how trying matrimony can be. Sometimes I watch that show, Snapped on Lifetime and think, "Well this isn't totally unconceivable. Look at what a jerk he was!" A woman in Superior, WI, took her anger with her husband out in a different way - she held an "X-Husband Sale."
Though we can't confirm what set her off (CHEATER was scrolled across the man's vehicle), our affiliate station - MIX 108's Tony Hart was on the scene taking photos and had this to say, " The police arrived on the scene shortly before 4pm and were seen looking at the debris, including a pile of ash were an apparent fire had been lit, the door to the house opened and the officer was seen talking to someone through the screen door."
Though I have edited the offensive language displayed on the Tahoe, it was unfortunate that several neighborhood children witnessed the display. As for the pile of husband items labeled as FREE for the general public - I sincerely hope that this act of passive aggression has satisfied the obvious anger this woman felt towards her husband and I also hope there are no future episodes of Snapped centered around Superior, WI.
Photos by Tony Hart