Road Closures and Alternate Routes for ShrinersFest
The 2019 ShrinersFest kicks off Thursday on Riverside Drive in downtown Evansville meaning those of us who either work, live, or pass through the area to get where we're going will need to use an alternate route until next Monday.
The Evansville Police Department released the map below Tuesday morning on their Facebook. The streets marked in white will be closed during the event. The biggest being Riverside Drive, obviously since that's where all the booths and activities will be set up, but each side street between Cherry and Court Streets will also be closed for one block west of Riverside. To avoid it, you'll need to take Cherry or Court Street over to 2nd Street.
Keep in mind there is construction on 2nd Street between Walnut and Cherry near the construction of the new hotel so that option will also provide it's own share of headaches. Honestly, you're best bet may be to come in from one of the exits off the Lloyd and get to where you need to go.
[Source: Evansville Police Department on Facebook]
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