Project Princess – Free Prom Dresses for Local Girls – Has Received Some Very Generous Donations from the Community!
Thinking back to high school, there are probably a few highlights that stick out in your mind. Perhaps, the last day of your Senior year or your big win at an important game stand among the greatest memories. For many people, prom stands out the most - it is a significant part of your transition from childhood to adulthood. It's your first chance to get dressed to the nines, act like an adult in an adult atmosphere and then cut loose with your friends. I went to two proms and remember both of them vividly. Choosing the right hair, makeup and then... of course... the dress is incredibly important to a high school girl. Next to your wedding, it's the most important dress of a girl's life!
This past year, Katelyn Buttram, a teacher for EVSC, and I joined forces to give all girls of the tri-state a prom. After we both had experiences with girls who couldn't afford a dress, we decided to take donations of gently used dresses and give them back to girls who couldn't afford them. Little did we know how generous the community would be.
I started receiving dresses at my office last week - they have been coming in in droves - many with matching shoes and accessories. Then, local businesses began blessing our humble event with donations that are beyond our reasoning or hopes.
Earlier this week, we picked up 150 BRAND NEW dresses along with racks and hangers from Evansville prom dress boutique Paparazzi "Glamour & Gowns". These dresses are all in perfect condition with the tags still on!
Tracy Jones will be donating several sets of jewelry in honor of her daughter Emily Jones.
LCphoto Art will be at the event donating mini photography sessions.
Kelly Koressel Henning and the girls from Off the Top Salon will be at the event to give tutorials on simple DIY prom updos and will be giving away gift certificates.
Ashley Brooks has donated a handmade pair of sequined prom flats for a giveaway.
Aby S Sco has donated racks for us to use at the event.
Kana B - B Studio will be on hand to do make-up and hair demonstrations.
Mark Farmer has constructed mobile dressing rooms for us.
The ladies of USI's Gamma Phi Beta will be on hand to help girls find dresses and try them on.
Don's Claytons Fine Dry Cleaning has donated two $10 gift cards for cleaning and hangers!
Cache of Evansville has donated several new dresses, a jeweled handbag, jewelry, spanx and a $25 gift card for giveaway!
Magic Moments of Evansville has donated 30 brand new dresses and also men's attire too!
The community has donated over 300 dresses from vintage to brand new for us to give away.
And, the list keeps growing! We sincerely hope that if you can afford to send your daughter to prom in a nice gown, you will consider visiting the generous businesses who have donated to our little event. None of them asked for anything in return for their kindness.
We also ask that you let any girl who might need a dress know about the Project Princess event on March 23rd at the Browning Room in Central Library from 2-4 PM. They must bring proof of studentship at a local high school to receive a dress!
If you have a dress, accessories or shoes to donate, please bring them to Townsquare Media located at 117 SE 5th Street across from D-Patrick or at WBKR in Owensboro. We'll be taking them until March 21st at 5 PM.
Finally, if you are a business that would like to donate, please contact me at ashley.sollars@townsquaremedia.com or call me at 270-485-2873270-485-2873.
A big thanks to the folks at Townsquare Media who have allowed me to use the office as storage space for these hundreds of prom dresses and helping us get the word out about the event. We had a budget of exactly $0 and somehow we are going to be able to give lots of girls in the tri-state a beautiful dress for prom.
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