One Kentucky Town Has A Tainted Past No One Speaks Of
There's a town in Kentucky known by most as a great place to raise a family but it has a deep dark past that not many speak of today. We have all the details.
I can speak from experience when I say Owensboro is a wonderful place to live and work. The community is vibrant and there are lots of opportunities here. I have lived here for 30-plus years and I have watched it grow.
Most people know Owensboro as a few things;
- The BBQ Capital of the World because of our famous barbeque
- Smothers Park is known all around the United States.
And of course, just being a beautiful place to live.
There is a side to Owensboro that many don't know much about. Joe Ford, a former historian in Owensboro wrote a book called Haunts To Hookers. This book, tells the tainted past of our beautiful town. You can find tons of stories of the Red Light District in all its glory.
There are full details of how the district developed and how City officials made sure to deem that area a place where other community members individuals like these. There were multiple houses up and down Mulberry and men would come calling and pick the girl of their choice to take down to the river area.
Here's a recollection of what the Red Light District was according to Keith Lawrence of the Messenger-Inquirer;
We are fortunate here in Owenboro to have several community members that know a lot about our history. David Wolfe is one of those folks and he even offers Ghost Tours and other events throughout the year.