Old Photograph Shows Ghostly Figure of a Child at Kentucky Creek
When I started writing articles for our websites, I began researching and joining groups on Facebook for topics I'm interested in writing about. One of the first Facebook groups I joined was Haunted History of Kentucky. Once I joined that group, I became fascinated with photos that are taken and then, when looked at later, show something that nobody saw at the moment the photo was captured.
I think my fascination comes from the fact that I have taken photos and been in photos that, on closer examination, revealed things I couldn't explain. I've told you before about a photo I took at French Lick Springs Hotel, right after my mom passed away, that had a big white orb floating near me once we looked at the photo on her phone. My sister and I couldn't believe what we were looking at. It made us feel like Mom was there with us on the veranda.
While I was looking through my Facebook group's Newsfeed, I came across this incredible photo. It is one of those photos that will give you the chills. Patsy Engle was kind enough to let me share her old photo and its story.
According to Patsy,
This photo is of my mother, aunt, and little sister, but my mother seems to have an image of a little girl in white behind her that was not in the family photo... I don’t know if it is a ghost. I had a little sister that died when she was 6 weeks old in 1964 .. my youngest sister in the photo was born in 1960.. so I think this could be the one who passed away.
It is such an amazing photograph that was taken before Photoshop. You have to admit, there is something behind the women in the back of the photo. But, who or what it is, we don't know.
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