My Mountaintop Dream Home is For Sale–Would You Live Here?
Everyone has a dream house. This is mine. It is located on the top of a mountain in the little village of Flatgap, Kentucky. From the air, it looks like this:
group Pikeville
It looks like it's almost a mile up the mountain on a one lane driveway to the retreat, but when you get there, it's worth it.
group Pikeville,Ky
I think the real reason that I want to live here is that down at the bottom of the mountain is the place where Dad, Mom and I lived in our first house together when I was in the first grade. That little house was quite a bit different than this dream house. We had three rooms but no bath and no running water. Mother did the laundry on the back porch on a wringer washer. A well worn path connected the house with the toilet.
I dreamed of someday living in a house on the hill above the little village but there wasn't anything there like this 3454 square foot beauty with more bathrooms than the entire town of Flatgap had when we lived there 70 years ago.
The closest thing we had to a swimming pool was a galvanized wash tub that hung on the wall over the back porch.
Every person that lives in Flapgap could stand on this porch with lots of room left over.
The bedroom is bigger than our first house.
and....wow....the outhouses are inside the house.
The house sits on 4 1/2 acres but is surrounded by acres and acres of beautiful eastern Kentucky forest. You can be the KING OF THE WORLD for just $315,000. That's a decent price, but you do have a 35 minute drive to the nearest Walmart in Paintsville.
- Brokered by:
- Re/Max Legacy Group
- (606) 432-1955
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