Your BBB has recently learned about another option that could help stop unwanted calls to your cell phone.

Consumers Union reports that Aaron Foss, the creator of NomoRobo, plans to roll out an app for iPhone and Android in the coming weeks.

Foss’s NomoRobo was the co-winner of the Federal Trade Commission’s 2013 Robocall Challenge.

Foss has offered the free call-blocking service NomoRobo to consumers with Internet-based home phone service since 2013, and claims to have blocked over 59 million unwanted calls for his 360,000 users. NomoRobo new mobile products will join TrueCaller, Mr. Number, Call Control, and PrivacyStar for robocall-blocking smartphone apps. The app will use a cloud-based blacklist built with spam numbers submitted by consumers and federal agencies like the IRS and the FCC. Foss is aiming for a February release to complement the current tool for home phones.

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