Midwest Boy Gets Greeted Everyday After School by His Huge Dog
If only everyone were as loyal as this boy's dog. A new video share shows a Midwestern boy who gets greeted everyday after school by his huge loving dog.
Based on the video description, this is the routine for a family in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Maggie the family dog goes out and watches the little boy get on the school bus then faithfully waits for him to return.
I have nothing complicated or profound other than this. There were certain routines that I remember from my childhood which at the time seemed routine and rather not exciting. Since hindsight is 20/20, I now look back at times when our family dog would excitedly greet me after a day at school or returning from a baseball game or whatever and longingly wish I could go back.
Simple and innocent moments like this someday will go away. Best to cherish them now while you can. Now, back to wishing people could be more like dogs (in a good way)...