Make ‘Unfriending’ a New Year’s Resolution
I am just exhausted with all of the angry, mean, disrespectful posts on my social media feed. More and more negative posts FLOOD my Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites.I recently read posts where two of my former students were fighting. One had senselessly and hurtfully called a former classmate out, even involving his family. I'm still not sure why or what he hoped to gain. They haven't seem each other since high school and live on opposite sides of the country. It all just saddens me so. I'm tied of it all.
Are you tired of it too? Does it affect you in a negative way? When you are trying to stay positive, does the hate and bad thoughts bring you down? Well, you are not alone.
Many people, including me, are choosing to stay positive and ridding their social media pages from pesky negative pests. They are going so far as to unfriend those that can't play nice. Just like this guy, I'm thinking about doing it too. . #nomorenegativity #yourinputaffectsyououtput