If you have been to Roberts Stadium lately, you know how long the lines can be for the Ladies' room while the line for the guys is only about half as long. Men have two options in the restroom which makes things go twice as fast. We can choose the stalls or the urinal and with both in use at the same time, things really get going....no pun intended. The big question about our new stadium opening in November is parking; what about restrooms? how many will there be for men and women and what will that mean for the ladies in terms of lines? A Danish company, Dezeen, might have the solution in the form of urinals for women. It's called the Pollee and exists only in concept form right now. There are three different prototypes with each providing less and less privacy. The general design is a four prong urinal that four women can use at once with walls put up on the sides to prevent being completely out in the open, very similar to the urinals in the men's room. Their theory is too private and it's a stall, too public and it's really uncomfortable. The goal is to maximize speed  and minimize embarrassment. Ladies, would would you trade a little privacy for shorter, faster lines? Which way would you prefer to 'go' on this issue? And again, no pun intended.

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