The drone controversy on the East Coast is quickly also becoming an Illinois problem as many UFO reports over the state during the past 5 days are now believed to be drones.

If you're not familiar with the National UFO Reporting Center website, this is a place where anyone and everyone can submit unidentified aerial phenomena reports. Many are unexplained, but sometimes the experts there will analyze the photos and/or videos that are submitted and provide an answer. There are now 4 UFO reports since December 11, 2024 that have been categorized as drone activity in Illinois. 

Here's a report that happened on December 11 in Palos Heights, Illinois:

"4 different objects flying above and near my home. 2 white orbs looked like they were taking snapshots."

This incident was reported in Chicago, Illinois the following night on December 12:

"I observed at least 4 orbs / spheres of yellow-ish emitting a bright, pale-yellow light roughly 1 mile offshore from Lake Michigan...I'd estimate at the lowest point, the drones were no more than 100-200 feet above the water. Several pulsed and emitting much brighter light at times, before pulsing down again or spontaneously disappearing."

The night of December 14, there was a sighting over Peoria, Illinois which said this:

"Glider or drone sighted...My daughter and I were returning from an errand in the morning, when I saw a silver flash in the sky. It was very very thin and shaped like an H, on all four corners there was a light. It was very low, almost touched the tree tops, about twice the size of a car."

Finally, here's a sighting over Benton, Illinois on Sunday, December 15 that was described this way:

"It was moving very slowly, hovering and changed direction, and hovered again...Coming out of church, looking south east. Object moving a little west, and hovering. Moving slowly east, and again hovering."

All 4 of these Illinois sightings just since December 11 have been categorized as drones by the NUFORC. Many of these sightings included videos that were captured.

The sightings in Illinois are not nearly as widespread as they are in New Jersey and New York state right now, but they are happening. How long before those in Illinois start asking the same question the East Coast people are? Who is responsible for these illegal nighttime drone flights and what are they up to? It's time for some solid answers.

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Gallery Credit: Dark Exploration Films via YouTube

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