Indiana Teacher is Being Called a ‘Hero’ After Saving the Life of a Choking Student
The teacher, Mason Wetzel, a graduate of Indiana University and formerly a Castle High School football standout, teaches middle school art at Lynhurst 7th and 8th Grade Center for Wayne Township Schools in Indianapolis, Indiana.

On Monday, October 24th, 2022, during his lunch duty, he had to do something he hoped he would never have to do. Something he was taught that he hoped he would never have to use. But, that day, he had to use his skills to save a child's life. Mason is not only a hero, he also just happens to be my son.
We found ut about what happened when we received a text through our family group chat Monday afternoon from his wife who teaches at the same school.
Because it was in the middle of the day, we had to wait to get the details of what had happened. As soon as I knew he was available, I called him to hear the story and to tell him how incredibly proud I am of him and his quick-thinking, heroic act.
The story was so incredible, I wanted him to tell you the story himself. So, he called into the show to share the story. Listen to the interview.
As you could hear, I'm overwhelmed with emotion thinking about how proud I am of the man he has become and to be his mom.
So grateful that the boy survived that day. Happy that his parents got to hold him tight when he got home from school that day. And, thankful that there are teachers, like Mason, that are watching out for and taking care of our kids every day.
When I heard the story, I couldn't help but think f this video I took of him and his brother over seven years ago. I guess he's been kind of practicing for this moment since then.
Mason is very happy and recently married his beautiful college sweetheart, Ashlynn, in Hawaii.
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