Indiana Baby’s Adorable Reaction To Her Grandpa’s Teasing Will Melt Your Heart [VIDEO]
Having a conversation with a baby is a little one sided, right? Well, no, not in my family. We have full blown chit chats with our babies. I always talked to my kids in fun conversations and I do the same with my granddaughter. But my husband, takes these cute conversations to a whole new level.
Seeing my husband with our granddaughter is the best thing ever. Even before she could utter a single word, they were bonding through fun conversation play. Quenton is a master at drawing her into whatever subject is being talked about.
It's really incredible to watch and the conversations look and sound very real even though he can't really understand a word of what she was really saying. I'm not sure she knew, but it sure looked like she did. Norah would use voice inflections and show different emotions on her face, all the while just taking jibber-jabber.
Norah is five now, but I have been recording their adorable conversations since the very first one. This heart-to-heart came up in my facebook memories and I had to share it.
We were at my son's middle school basketball game and Norah had been napping for the whole first part of the game. Here you see Papa teasing her about it and the results are priceless.
Norah loves it! Or does she? My great uncle would say that babies only smiled to pass gas. So, how do they rally feel, and is talking to your baby like this beneficial?
Do babies like when you talk to them?
Babies seem to really enjoy it, but according to,
Babies love to hear you talk -- especially to them, and especially in a warm, happy voice. Babies learn to speak by imitating the sounds they hear around them. So the more you talk to your baby, the faster they will acquire speech and language skills
Why is talking to a baby so important?
Yes, says,
Talking with your baby or toddler can help his language and communication development. The more you talk with your baby or toddler, the better. ... And it's not just about better language skills. Talking with babies helps their brains develop and can help children do better at school when they're older.