I made some delicious appetizers for the "Big Game" and let me tell you, they were a hit! I learned how to make these in 7th grade home economics class. It is a simple, and quick snack for any party you may be hosting.

All you will need is:

  • 1lb of ground beef
  • A roll of butter flavored biscuits
  • A bottle of your favorite BBQ sauce ( I used Sweet Baby Ray's Brown Sugar Hickory)
  • chopped onions (optional)
  • cupcake pan(s)
  • 2 cups of preferred shredded cheese
  • Any seasoning you may want to put on your beef ( I prefer onion power, seasoned salt, black pepper, and a bit of garlic powder)


  1. Brown the ground beef and season to preferred taste.
  2. Preheat oven to the temperature noted on the biscuits.
  3. Place biscuits in cupcake pans. Push down on the biscuits, creating a bowl.
  4. Upon draining the beef, add your BBQ sauce and chopped onion (optional). Simmer for about 2 minutes.
  5. Fill the bowl shaped biscuits with your BBQ beef and bake to the noted time on the biscuit container.
  6. When biscuits are almost done, take them out of the oven and sprinkle cheese on them.
  7. Bake the remaining time, and serve!

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