How Much Stuff is Enough?
Some women carry purses, some carry bags. This it what I carry. I'll admit, I'm one of those that will throw things in the bag and will clean it out eventually. It wasn't until recently that I might be carrying more than I should. A co worker referred to my bag as a "Mary Poppins" bag. I didn't find offense to it, but I wondered what I actually had in my bag. Its been a good two months since I had cleaned it out. Now keep in mind, most of this stuff is in here, every day. Yes, every day!
This. This is whats in my bag. You have the normal wallet thing, make up bag, deodorant, some type of pain reliever, and keys.
Now, here's the fun stuff. I have a mini Flat iron, a lighter even though I don't smoke, two knives, a small first aid kit, extra band aids, the chewy antacids(because the other make me gag).
Two brushes, glasses case and a kit to clean glasses. A Tape measure, that's also a key chain but I have enough on my keys. A small bag that has ear buds, an extra 9 volt battery just in case I need it on a remote.
A lint roller since pug hair isn't a fashion trend, yet. A small pouch that keeps my insulin and blood sugar monitor together. A toothbrush. Decorative sticky notes. Inside my wallet, there is another knife, floss, spare house key.
Pulling all my stuff out on my desk, I did find something that I was convinced I had lost. I also found a hotel key card from my niece's wedding two months, and random change.
I know I need some help.
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