Horse Owners Urged to Put Orange on Horses During Hunting Season
We are smack dab in the throws of deer season. According to the DNR, Indiana deer seasons are the following dates:
Deer Hunting
The 2017-2018 deer hunting seasons are as follows:
- Reduction Zone: Sept. 15, 2017-Jan. 31, 2018 (where open)
- Youth Season: Sept. 23-24, 2017
- Archery: Oct. 1, 2017-Jan. 7, 2018
- Firearm: Nov. 18-Dec. 3, 2017
- Muzzleloader: Dec. 9-24, 2017
- Special Antlerless: Dec. 26, 2017-Jan. 7, 2018 (where open)
And though most hunters are very careful, accidents do happen as some horses are buckskin in color which is very similar to a deer. Facebook has yielded photos of horses that have turned up with arrows and bullets embedded in their bodies.
Local horse owner, Tiffani Adams posted, "I've seen way too much if this. I feel like dressing or painting my horses orange."
When I was growing up, I lived on a horse farm and during hunting season we'd always wear orange when we rode in the woods. It's better to be safe than sorry.
And, there are protective garments and orange spray made now specifically for horses that are bright orange. Pick something up today if you have a horse that grazes in a area that could be close to hunting grounds.