Holiday World Offers Calming Room for Special Needs Guests
I've taken many trips to Holiday World & Splashin' Safari in my lifetime, and while there's usually at least one new feature to see every year, I feel like I have a pretty good idea of all the amenities the Tri-State's favorite theme park has to offer. That was until I saw a recent post on their Facebook page.
Holiday World truly wants everyone who walks through their gates each day to have carefree enjoyable day, including those with special needs who may need a break when all the lights and sounds get to be too much.
Located within the park's First Aid Building in Splashin' Safari's plaza, the Calming Room offers those guests "a quiet, relaxing break from the park’s sensory stimulation" featuring "bean bag chairs, a small tent, rocking chair, couch, plus adjustable lighting." The room is available for 30 minutes sessions on a first come, first serve basis, and can be reserved at Guest Relations, Holiday World Services, or First Aid.
Holiday World opens for the 2018 season on May 5th, with Splashin' Safari set to open May 10th. Keep listening to WKDQ for your chance to win free tickets all summer long!
[Source: Holiday World on Facebook]
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