Help Keep the Tri-State Beautiful During INDOT Trash Bash
Littering isn't cool. But yet it happens. All. The. Time. Drive anywhere in the Tri-State, and you'll likely see an empty cup, a bottle, fast food trash, or who knows what laying in the grass just off the shoulder of the road. While the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) and the state's Department of Corrections does their best to keep up with picking up that trash over the course of the year, it's up to all of us to take pride in our community and lend a hand, which is what the annual Trash Bash event is all about.
For the first time in it's history, the event will span over the course of 15 days instead of just a couple of weekdays. The change was made as representatives from INDOT understood it was difficult for individuals, organizations, and businesses to take time away from school or work in the middle of a week to help.
This year's Bash will begin across the state on April 15th and run through April 30th. If you and your family, friends, co-workers, church group, or other organization are interested in helping, simply stop by any call INDOT customer service at 855-463-6848 and tell them you're interested in helping out. They will put you in touch with a coordinator in the area who will likely set up a meeting at an INDOT facility in our area where you'll go through a quick run-through on roadside safety, and receive trash bags and vests to use while you pick up trash.
In the interest of safety, INDOT representatives ask that you stay away from high traffic areas like highways and interstates, and instead focus your efforts on two lane roads.
[Source: INDOT]