‘What Was It Like on a Warship?’ in the Words of a WWII Veteran [PHOTOS of LST 325]
Today marks a very important anniversary in the history of our world. Seventy-five years ago, today, WWII hit a turning point and Evansville, IN, played a huge role in shaping the events that took place.
In the early 1940s, Evansville constructed over 160 LST warships. One of the them was the LST 325. Fast forward to today, and it's the only fully operational LST left in existence.
Today, the LST 325 rests quietly on the Ohio River docked here in Evansville. But today, the anniversary of D-Day, the LST crew has a plethora of big events to celebrate the brave men and women who fought courageously 75 years ago.
This morning, we were invited to broadcast live from the LST 325 and had the pleasure of interviewing a WWII veteran Jack Stephenson.
We also got lots of great pics of all the excitement that happened.
To commemorate the 75th Anniversary of D-Day, the LST 325 is docked at the Tropicana and will be hosting free tours and other events. I highly suggested taking one of the tours so that you can experience this living history for yourself.
June 5 - LST-325 Closed for move to Downtown location near Tropicana
~8:30am - LST-325 underway from Marina Point
~11:30am - LST-325 arrival & mooring at Tropicana mooring
June 6 - 9:00am to 1:00pm : D-Day 75th Anniversary Commemorative Ceremony aboard ship
1:00pm to 5:00pm : LST-325 open to public for free tours
2:00pm to 4:00pm : Air Force band performing
June 7-9 - 9:00am to 5:00pm : LST-325 open to public for free tours
June 8 - 6:00pm to 10:00pm : D-Day 75th Anniversary Big Band 40s Gala at the Tropicana Events Center. Tickets available HERE
June 9 - ~6:00pm : LST-325 underway from Tropicana mooring
~7:00pm : LST-325 arrival and mooring at Marina Point
June 10 - Ship CLOSED for clean-up and preparation for tours
If you have any questions, please contact the LST office at (812) 435-8678 or at 325office@lstmemorial.org
You can also tour a B-17G Texas Raiders bomber at the Evansville Wartime Museum this week. Not only can you tour it, but you can also fly in it!
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