Former St. Jude Tour Guide’s Memories of St. Jude
Dr. David Wray was my Music Business professor at Murray State. Not only was he a professor, but for years, he volunteered his time as a tour guide at St. Jude.
Dr. D (as I call him) has left a lasting impact on my life. He taught me everything I know about the music business, several life lessons, and even sparked my love for St. Jude. Back in 2012, he took a group of us students to Memphis to tour the city, but more importantly, to tour St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
I remember him taking us to the hospital on a tour and showing us everything St. Jude had to offer the patients and families. We saw the different medical facilities they have on campus, learned about how far the research has come over the years, and learned that all families who are there at St. Jude never receive a bill for anything! That was mind blowing to me. No medical bills? All the family has to worry about is taking care of their children? I was instantly sold on St. Jude.
The most astonishing thing to me during that visit though was something that he never had to point out. Throughout the entire tour of the hospital, there was one thing that stood out as odd, but in the best way. When you think of a children's hospital and kids going through treatment and battling life threatening illnesses, you would think that it would be kind of a gloomy place. However, not once did I ever hear a child cry or look sad. That's the beauty of St. Jude. It's truly a place of hope and they strive to make sure that these children are as happy, healthy, and live as normal as a life as possible.
Travis got the chance to speak with his mentor about St. Jude and the role it has played on his life.
I got the chance to catch up with Dr. D today to talk about his time at St. Jude and how special of a place it is. Check it out:
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