When Will We See the Final Frost of the Season in the Evansville Area?
March is here and as the old saying goes March is "in like a lion, and out like a lamb" in reference to the weather. That phrase meaning March comes in usually very harsh and cold but leaves with nice spring weather, but that isn't always the case.
This year March really came in like a lamb, I mean the first weekend in March and we saw temps in the 60s and 70s, and plenty of sunshine! Was last weekend not the most gorgeous weekend? I don't know about you, but it gave me a serious case of spring fever. Then we woke up Monday morning (March 7th) to temps in the 30s and cloudy. That's midwestern weather for you though!
It got me wondering, when will we see the last frost?
This is where our good friend the Farmer's Almanac comes in handy! The Farmer's Almanac takes historical data and comes up with an average date for the first and last frost of the seasons. When I plugged in an Evansville zip code, the Farmer's Almanac told me the average date for the final frost of the season in our area is April 16th.
What are the chances of the last frost occurring after April 16th?
According to the Farmer's Almanac, there's a 30% chance of the final frost of spring 2022 occurring after April 16th, so it seems if you want to do any work to your landscaping or plant some new flowers, you may want to wait until after April 16th.
There's a light at the end of this long, dark winter tunnel.
We are in the home stretch of this winter season, and I am so ready for more sunshine, warmer temps, and longer stretches of daylight. The first official date of Spring is March 20.
While we're at it, don't forget to turn your clocks ahead!
This Sunday, March 13th is also when we spring forward! This means if you've been getting off work in the dark the past few months, that is about to end! We spring forward this weekend, which also helps with making things feel a little more spring-y!
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