I recently hosted Holy Rosary's 4th annual Father Daughter dance where adorable, cute little girls got to be with their daddy's for a special evening of dancing and fun!  

Words can't describe how enjoyable it was for me deejaying this event....for the 4th time.  It makes me also wonder why a Father Daughter dance wasn't thought of when I was a little girl growing up!  I would've loved this!

The Father Daughter dance is an annual fundraiser for the school.  It was a night of pure fun for those precious little girls and their dads.  Those few hours on the dance floor will be cherished memories forever for both dads and daughters.   #FatherDaughterDance  #preciouslittlegirls  #lovingdadsanddaughters  #thebestdads #treatingyourdaughterstherightway  #funtimeswithdadsanddaughters

Deb Turner
Deb Turner/Holy Rosary Father Daughter Dance 2017
Deb Turner/Holy Rosary Father Daughter Dance
Deb Turner/Holy Rosary Father Daughter Dance
Deb Turner/Holy Rosary Father Daughter Dance 2017
Deb Turner/Holy Rosary Father Daughter Dance 2017
Deb Turner/Holy Rosary Father Daughter Dance 2017
Deb Turner/Holy Rosary Father Daughter Dance 2017

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