Families Never Receive A Bill From St Jude
Our St Jude Rocks Radiothon is in full swing and you can become a Partner in Hope now to help the kids of St Jude fight cancer by pledging just $19 a month. That's less than a dollar a day! St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis is one of the most amazing facilities I have ever seen. Even more amazing is their mission to make sure no child dies of childhood cancer and no family is denied treatment for their inability to pay.
In fact, the cost to patients & their families to be treated at St. Jude is $0. Nothing. Zero. Not a penny. There is no out of pocket expense for St. Jude families associated with the treatment for their child. This is remarkable when you consider that the average cost of treatment for a single St. Jude patient is $425,000. And these families pay nothing. Not only is St. Jude saving lives every day they continue with their research in an effort to increase the overall survival rate and all of the treatments developed at St Jude are shared with doctors and hospitals all around the world. Families don't pay for housing. They don't pay for transportation or food. There is absolutely no cost to these families because St. Jude believes the only thing a family should have to worry about is helping their child live.
You can help St. Jude continue their mission by becoming a Partner in Hope now by pledging just $19 each month to help kids beat cancer and other life threatening diseases. Call 1-800-372-4999 now. If you'd prefer to text, you can do that too! Just test JUDE to 626262.

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