Evansville YMCA Hosting Two Self Defense Classes for Women in August
As nice as it would be to go wherever we wanted without having to constantly keep our eyes open for some suspicious-looking person possibly looking to jump us and take our money, that's not the world we live in, unfortunately. That's why knowing how to protect yourself is important. The Dunigan YMCA on Evansville's east side is giving women the chance to learn a few things to keep themselves safe during two upcoming self-defense classes.
I am fully aware that as a 6'3", 215-pound man, my chances of being assaulted aren't quite non-existent, but they are likely much slimmer compared to those of a female. I've spoken to female coworkers who have told me they walk to their cars in the parking garage with their keys in their hand and a couple of them poking out between their fingers just in case someone is hiding somewhere as they leave in the evening. That is something I as a man don't generally have to think about or plan ahead for.
Dunigan YMCA Self-Defense Classes for Females
In an effort to help women keep themselves safe in the event of an attack, the Dunigan Family YMCA on Evansville's east side (next to Lowe's Home Improvement) is currently registering any females ages 13 and over interested in learning how to protect themselves for two Self Defense and Awareness SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape) Classes they'll be hosting on August 2nd and 9th.
The classes will take place at the facility from 5:00 until 7:00 PM each night and, according to the YMCA of Southwestern Indiana Facebook page, will teach participants, "how to address potential situations in work and school settings, avoiding confrontation, and if that’s unavoidable how to deal with the situation with the least amount of physical contact to neutralize and escape."
The cost is $10 per person for YMCA members and $15 per person for non-members. Space is limited and the facility encourages you to register sooner rather than later if you're interested.
If you'd like more information on the classes, e-mail mitchell@ymcaswin.org.
[Source: YMCA of Southwestern Indiana on Facebook]
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