Evansville Walk to End Alzheimer’s Going Virtual September 19th
Nearly every annual charity event in the Tri-State had to rework their plans this year thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. That includes the local chapter of the Alzheimer's Association, who have decided, like so many other non-profits who hold annual walks, to go virtual for 2020.
The Evansville edition of the Walk to End Alzheimer's will take place on Saturday, September 19th. Instead of having everyone gather in one location as in previous years, the Association is encouraging you to walk wherever you are. That means you could stroll through your own neighborhood, at your favorite park, a trail at one of our many local state parks, or on a treadmill in your house, if you have one. Wherever you can do so while staying safe and socially distant from others.
Registration is open now through the Alzheimer's Association website.

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