Evansville Otters Seeking Mascot and Otterbelle Candidates for the 2023 Season
It's easy to write off the mascot as an unimportant part of any sporting event. They're often cartoonish in the way they look, and they're not on the field (or court) trying to help their team win the game. While both of those statements are true, I'll argue a team's mascot is a very important part of any game. No, they can't score a goal, catch a touchdown pass, strikeout a batter, or hit a home run, but they do help keep fans engaged in the action by interacting with them by firing off a few t-shirts from the always popular t-shirt cannon, performing some type of stunt, or just simply encouraging them to "make some noise" when their team finds themselves in need of a little home crowd motivation. As the physical embodiment of the team's name, they literally serve as the team's ambassador to its fans. It's a role you or someone you know could take on this throughout the 2023 Evansville Otters' season.
Evansville Otters Accepting Mascot Applications for the 2023 Season
It may seem that I'm a little passionate and even defending the role of the mascot from what I believe to be its public perception. The reason being I was once the person in the costume, running up and down the sidelines, sweating through my clothes in the late summer heat trying to get the crowd hyped up as the Mater Dei High School mascot, Willie the Wildcat, my senior year. As miserable as those hot, humid, early-season games were (there were times I literally peeled the costume off of me because of the amount of sweat), getting the crowd to react in a positive way is a rush that is difficult to describe, but was awesome to feel.

It's an experience you or someone you know could have by becoming Evan or Eva Otter for the 2023 Evansville Otters season. The team is currently accepting applications, from individuals who are outgoing, with no problem being in front of large crowds, and who can be "adaptable, versatile and tactful in dealing with the public," among other abilities.
2023 Otterbelle Tryouts Scheduled for Saturday, April 8th
The team is also looking for people to join the Otterbelles dance team. Like the mascot role, the Otterbelles are an important part of keeping fans engaged throughout the game and performing duties such as assisting with the on-field games that take place in between innings and performing dance routines periodically. Auditions for the Otterbelles will take place for anyone 16 years older or older this Saturday (April 8th, 2023) at Bosse Field from 10:00 to 11:30 AM. Tryouts will include an interview and learning a one-minute dance routine, which as I learned many years ago when I "tried out" while working on our sister station, KISS 106, is easier said than done.
If you or someone you know is interested in being a part of the tryout, contact Autumn Goelzhauser at evansvilleotterbelles@gmail.com.
[Source: Evansville Otters on Facebook / Indeed]
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