Registration Deadline for Easterseals ‘iCan Bike’ is May 16 + Event Volunteers Needed
Riding a bike is something I imagine most of us take for granted. Once we learn how to keep our balance (after many failed tries, I'm sure), it's nothing for us to hop on and take off down the road or our favorite trail through the woods without giving the fact that we're maintaining that balance we struggled with early on an ounce of thought. For children with disabilities in the Tri-State area, it's an experience they may long for, but haven't had the opportunity to try themselves due to their diagnosis. However, the Easterseals Rehab Center in Evansville gives them that opportunity with their annual, "iCan Bike" day camp coming up in June.
What is iCan Bike Day Camp?
According to the Easterseals Rehabilitation Center,
“iCan Bike” is designed for individuals age 8 and up with mild to moderate disabilities or disabling conditions (such as cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, autism, coordination issues, etc.). Participants receive individual assistance while progressing through a series of modified and adapted bicycles.
Basically, the camp allows them to learn how to ride a bike despite their disability, so they too can have some fun and gain some confidence knowing there is something they can do without assistance that other kids get to do every day.

Easterseals iCan Bike Camp Registration Deadline Coming Soon
If you or someone you know has a child with disabilities that would like to participate in the camp, the registration deadline is Monday, May 16th. The registration fee is $200 per person which includes the five-day “bike camp,” a bicycle safety helmet, and an “iCan Bike” t-shirt. The cost also helps Easterseals bring the fleet of unique adapted bicycles to Evansville.
The camp will run from June 6th through 10th and consists of 75 minutes each day, with sessions scheduled between 8:00 AM and 12:30 PM and between 1:00 PM and 4:30 PM. Easterseals says that by the end of the week, "the majority of participants achieve the goal of independently riding a regular two-wheeled bike with no training wheels or adaptations."
For information or to sign up, contact Patty Balbach, 812-479-1411, ext. 268, or by e-mail at pbalbach@evansvillerehab.com.
iCan Bike Volunteers Needed
As you can imagine, it takes a lot of helping hands to make sure everyone learns, has fun, and most importantly, stays safe over the course of the camp. In addition to accepting registrations, organizers are also looking for volunteers to help the campers over the course of those five days. If you are interested in helping, there are a few requirements to know about first.
- Must be 15 or older
- Must be able to run beside a child on a bike
- Must be available daily June 6-10 during session times listed above
If you meet all the criteria, contact Patty Balbach by phone or e-mail.
[Source: Easterseals Rehabilitation Center]
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