Disney’s New Cruise Ship Serves a $5,000 Star Wars Cocktail
Disney has a brand new ship in its cruise fleet called the Disney Wish, and it’s been outfitted with all sorts of modern conveniences to please both kids and their parents alike. There’s a play area themed to Marvel’s superheroes. There’s an ice cream bar designed to resemble the world of Inside Out and several plush movie theaters onboard showing the latest Disney releases.
And then there is the Hyperspace Lounge, a bar for grownups themed around Star Wars. You better be grown up to drink here — and if you want the full experience you better have a big bank account too. Because amongst more reasonably priced items, the lounge also serves a special $5,000 cocktail.
Yes, it’s one drink. That costs $5,000. For that price you should get to undo one of George Lucas’ edits to the Star Wars Special Editions.
Dubbed the “Kaiburr Crystal,” it is served in one of those fancy Star Wars containers we’ve seen used of late on The Mandalorian to transport credits or other valuable goods. Not sure Mando has ever smuggled a $5,000 cocktail in one, but there’s always a first time.
Here is a video of the beverage in action.
What’s in it that makes it cost so much? That’s not clear at this point. Here is some footage from around the Hyperspace Lounge so you can see what the rest of it looks like.
According to the Disney Parks Blog, the bar was “inspired by lavish star cruisers similar to Dryden Vos’ ship in Solo: A Star Wars Story.” The window you see in the video has screens that move and “will transport you to iconic locations from the eras of the Republic, Empire and First Order, employing hyperspace jumps to travel from planet to planet while sensational scenes unfold just beyond the ship’s panoramic viewport at each stop.” You don’t even have to buy the $5,000 cocktail to look out it.
You can read more about the new Disney Wish ship here.
UPDATE: According to writer Scott Gustin, the drink includes a cocktail and three shots, including one of the extremely pricy Pappy Van Winkle bourbon. You also get a bottle of wine from Skywalker Ranch and voucher good for one visit to Skywalker Ranch BUT you don’t get to keep the fancy Star Wars prop they serve it to you in. Oh well.
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