Deaconess Clinic Has Began the Move to Their New Downtown Building
I stopped by the Deaconess Clinic downtown on Thursday afternoon for a routine test. Right away, I noticed there was a temporary atmosphere at the facility that I've experienced four times in my 28 years at WKDQ. Everyone was getting ready to move.
Our last move at WKDQ a few years ago was to locate our offices and studios from 5th and Walnut to our current spot a few blocks away in the Fifth Third building. At the end of my visit this week, the folks at Deaconess lab reminded me my next appointment would be at the new location-- at Fifth and Walnut, the site of our old WKDQ offices and studios. Our old building had been razed to make room for this beauty:
The new 10,000 square foot Deaconess Clinic opened Monday July 27. Not every doctor's office made the move. The Lab and all Primary Care physicians that are currently located on the second floor are open in the new location. Others such as Behavioral Health, Neurology, Rheumatology, Endocrinology and Dermatology will complete their moves by August 24. The new building has many great features including one we didn't have when WKDQ was in that location - a parking garage with an attached enclosed bridge. I wish we had had one of those.
Later this year a new Clinic Express will open and the Vision Care Center will locate on the second level.
The Clinic was opened in 1951 as Welborn Clinic. The merge with Deaconess came in 2008.
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