Comet Last Seen During the Ice Age to be Visible in Indiana Skies This Month
You might want to keep an eye up in the sky for a once-in-a-lifetime celestial event this month.
I have always been fascinated with space. Everything from the planets in our solar system, to asteroids, and other space phenomena are just so interesting to learn about. Not just to learn about, but to actually see up in the sky. I mean who doesn't get excited when they see a shooting star in the sky or when the moon looks really big? Well, this month, we will have the chance to see something in the sky that hasn't been seen in about 50,000 years.

Comet to be Visible in January
For the first time since the ice age, a bright green comet will be seen in the sky. To put how monumental this is in perspective for you, the last people to be able to see the comet may have been very early Homo Sapiens, or possibly even Neanderthals. So, it's safe to say that this will be a once-in-a-lifetime event we will have bestowed upon us this year.
When is the Best Time to See the Comet?
The comet, known as C/2022 E3 (ZTF), should be visible in the northern hemisphere during January, and in the southern hemisphere in early February. According to WTHR:
NASA recommends looking for the comet in early mornings when the moon is dim in the sky. While they say the comet will be best seen through a telescope or binoculars, it may even become bright enough to view with the naked eye.
If you want to see this comet, get your telescopes and binoculars ready, or if you are able to spot it with the naked eye, you won't want to miss out on the opportunity to see this in person. I'm sure there are some in your family who might not have even seen a comet in person before, so this will be your chance to share this experience with your loved ones.
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