Hey, guys! You might recognize me from all the inappropriate things I say on KISS106. I'm 26 and a graduate of the University of Southern Indiana where I received my BS in Journalism. I'm also a grad school dropout, so please don't take any of my advice. I live a wild, unfiltered life, but things got even crazier in June 2018 when I became a mom. Now, I have a hilarious new aspect to my life that I love sharing with all of you! To fully complete the picture, here’s a few more things you should know about me: I’m a huge Oakland Raiders fan and I love watching football; I’m always listening to rap/hip-hop and fangirl over The Weeknd and Drake; I love binge-watching Netflix and my favorite TV show of all time is Breaking Bad. You can catch my show Middays with Maddie every weekday from 10-2. You never know what’s gonna come out of my mouth, so buckle your seat belts - it's gonna be a wild ride!