ATM’s Not User Freindly For The Blind [Video]
When you get cash from the ATM, it might take about a minute to get your money and we probably take that for granted. It can take take the blind a lot longer to get their cash because of how difficult it is for them use the ATM even though, most ATM's are equipped with brail and a jack to plug in headphones for automated instructions. Tommy Edison is blind and wanted us to see how difficult this process is. It takes him more than 11 minutes to get his cash and that is rediculous. It's great that they include brail on the key pads, but why can't they make it more user friendly for the blind? This seems like a no brainer, but customer service in today's society is unfortunately, sadly lacking. The next time you are at the ATM and the person in front of you seems to be taking some extra time, be patient and understanding and maybe even offter to help. This process should be easy for everybody. see Tommy's video below.