1st Annual “Run For The Roses” Race
Calling all runners! As we gear up for the Kentucky Derby, you can also run for the roses and help raise money for Healing Reins Therapeutic Riding.
Coming up on Saturday May 7th, The Henderson Audubon Board of Realtors will be hosting its first “Run for the Roses”. The Race will kick off at 8:30 with a Pony Dash for kids and ten the race will begin at 9AM.
All the proceeds will go to Healing Reins. Healing Reins is a licensed Spirit Horse center serving 150 different disabilities, including Autism Spectrum Disorder, Development Delays, Down syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Spina Bifida, Epilepsy, Traumatic Brain Injury, etc. SpiritHorse programs also serve those with histories of abuse, veteran status,
To sign up for the race click HERE