Kentucky Woman Wore the Same Red Dress 100 Days in a Row and Hardly Anyone Noticed
An Owensboro, Kentucky librarian just wrapped up an incredibly fun and interesting chapter in her life. Katie Albers, who works at Daviess County Middle School, just wore the same red dress for ONE HUNDRED days in a row. Believe it or not, it actually took quite a while for her friends, family and coworkers to even realize she was doing it. Here's how and why she did it.
Katie saw ads from Wool& (Wooland.com) about their 100-day dress challenge. In fact, she estimates she saw social media ads for it for about a year or so before she decided to buy a dress and just go for it. Katie's a very busy mom of four, so it took her a bit of time to decide to splurge on something for herself for her birthday. But, she bought the dress and decided to embark on "this silly little challenge."
Katie admits that wearing the same dress for 100 consecutive days was indeed a challenge, but she "found it really fun trying to accessorize and mix up" her current wardrobe with the dress to "make it feel fresh every day."

So, just how long did it take people at work to notice? Katie says she decided to keep the challenge a secret from the woman she works most closely with to see how many days it would take her to notice. On Day 38, Katie just gave up and told her what was going on. Her coworker was oblivious to the whole endeavor. Katie credits how good she got at accessorizing.
Katie says only one person actually noticed without prompting. It was another coworker at DCMS. Katie says, "I walked past her classroom, she poked her head out and said, 'Katie, am I crazy or have you been wearing that dress for 17 days'?" To which Katie laughed and responded, "More like 48!"
That coworker offered to start a GoFundMe until she realize Katie was repeatedly wearing the same dress intentionally.
Katie admits that she was starting to get bored with the challenge around Day 40, but that's about when her friends and coworkers became aware. She credits their conversations and encouragement with inspiring her to keep going, to keep accessorizing and get to that finish line. They would routinely ask, "What day are we on now?" Katie says it was a fun and quirky thing to talk about with people.
Now that the fun and quirky thing's all wrapped up, Katie says, "I kind of miss wearing my dress everyday now. It was one less decision I has to make to start my day."
Challenge accepted! Mission accomplished. Here are the 100 photos to prove she did it.
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Gallery Credit: Danielle Kootman
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